RP Story Chapter list changes


Soo cause WordPress or my style changed something that i can’t fix^^° (cause i dunno how XD) I changed the main chapter list that shows up if you press “RP Stories > Chapters” in the headline, there is a list of all chapters released. That also means that i removed the Chapter links from the Headline cause with that odd update you won’t be able to reach the later chapters of a story^^. I hope you don’t mind that, its still pretty easy to find and shouldn’t make any problems^^

Link to the chapter List of all Stories

Also i think i’ll upload the QnA Video this week^^ even though its “not as good as i hoped for” i still hope you will like it. if its released i will post new news here^^

Last 3 chapters released^^


I’ve released the last 3 chapters by now aaaand well, until the next season starts it may take a while but i try upload the QnA Video soon, just dunno how long it’ll take^^° maybe i’ll upload it coming week, BUUUUUT there is one thing, don’t hope for too much of the video, i don’t think its good so i only will upload it on youtube and here you will get a link to that when its there as well as a QnA Picture stuff of it later^^

Chapter 21: Don’t mess with a shrink ray!
Chapter 22: Itty bitty survival
Chapter 23: Epilogue