removed option to register


Hi there and sorry to tell you but i had to remove the option to register as a user. I also will delete most of the profiles here.
I allowed that at the start to see if the users would be active and write comments and such, but comments from users are mooooore than rare so there is no need, you still can write comments as a guest so i hope thats fine anyway^^

Start of a SAO Story


Cause the SAO Movie will be released soon i finally can upload some new stuff, in this case, the SAO Story i wrote with a friend a while ago^^ i will upload 2 chapters every few days so keep watching for updates (at least on Twitter and Facebook^^)

and here are the first two chapter^^ hope you like them

Chapter 01: a Small Quest
Chapter 02: Meeting Silica

oh btw before i forget, sorry but there definitly will be some grammar problems, we tried to fix most of them but i bet there still will be some, if you find them you can write a comment if you want, and if its too bad so you can’t get when they say definitly write a comment so i can fix it^^.