Chapter 02: Workout for shrunken girls

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I enter the café and am passing a few tables before the counter when suddenly one of my shopping bags gets caught on a table, causing me to trip. “Oh, crap!” I say as I fall forward, onto a table and almost into another girl who is eating some ice cream.

I climb up her skin between her breasts so we can jump out any moment. She has entered a café but before I can fully look around she trips and sends me, maybe us, flying through the café and I land into something really cold. “Ahh, damn is that cold!” I scream when I get to my feet on this stuff, fully covered in the cold creamy material. When I look up I take a few steps back and trip over. ‘Oh no…oh nononono!’ I think when I look up, into the giant face of a girl who is eating her ice cream, the ice cream that I’m in right now!

I was eating my ice cream in peace when this stupid woman blunders through and almost knocks over my food. “Watch where you’re going!” I snap at her as she stands back up, looking flustered. She apologises and moves on, so I just sigh and carry on eating my ice cream in small scoops. I’m unaware that I’m only just avoiding the little girls that have landed in my ice cream as I eat.

I’m sent flying when the lady trips, flying into something cold and white. I sink quite deeply into it, and can’t make out anything in all the mess. I pull myself back up, completely covered in the stuff. “Err, Yuu?! Are you there?! Help!” I shout as I try to push the stuff out of my eyes and work out what’s going on.

I still look up at the giant face and make sure to dodge the spoon that’s scooping up some of the ice cream next to me. I then hear Aoko yell and look around, she’s a few metres away from me so I do my best to run over to her and stand infront of her. “I’m here.” I say as I see the scoop again, coming right at us this time!

I hear Yuu and manage to get the stuff out of my eyes to see her in front of me. I realise that we’re in some ice cream, and am absolutely terrified by the sight of the scoop coming towards us.

Bored, I take a large scoop of ice cream and dump it into my mouth, with the two girls inside. ‘Mmm, not bad!’ I think as I push the sweet ice cream around, tasting by pressing it against the roof of my mouth.

I just scream when I see her mouth coming near, and then it closes bedhind us, removing the scroop under us. I try to hold onto Aoko as good as I can when the girl moves us around in her mouth, to the roof of it and more. It feels so wrong being in here and I just want to get out again, but I dunno how…

I can’t help but scream as well as I’m tossed around with Yuu, holding onto her as she holds onto me. It feels almost pointless, given that, at best, we’ll suffer the same fate whatever happens. The inside of the girl’s mouth is mental, with us being swished around the melting clumps of ice cream and her big tongue pushing us against everything.

For a moment, I can taste something odd in my ice cream. It’s not unpleasant, quite tasty in fact, but I decide I’ll savour it a little more before eating it properly. I push it into my left cheek as I swallow the rest of the ice cream, and then scoop up another large mouthful and mix it all together one last time. ‘I don’t remember asking for sprinkles, not that I’m complaining…’

We are pressed against her cheek and I hope to get a chance away from her tongue now so I try to move as fast as I can between her cheek and her teeth, hopefully I won’t land on her teeth. While I do this I keep holding Aoko’s hand, even though I might get out of here I will have to stay like this, it would be pretty lonely if she wasn’t there…even though I’m the one who shrunk us in the first place…

With the spare moment away from the girl’s tongue, I feel slightly safer holding onto Yuu. However, just a moment later I feel her tongue search for us between the cheek and the teeth where we’re hiding. “Sorry about this!” I say to Yuu as I pull in tighter and try to hug her as I feel us being mixed in with the white slush of the ice cream around us.

I let the ice cream settle for a moment on my tongue, loving the flavour of whatever got into my ice cream. Finally, I tilt my tongue back and let the ice cream start to slide down my throat. However, I put far too much ice cream into my mouth and just before I can swallow I end up choking a little, causing me to cough up my ice cream.

Aoko hugs me even more and I try not to get scooped up by the tongue again as I try to move to the front side of her mouth, it’s pretty hard cause she seems to be searching for us. When she beginns to cough we get loose and finally fly out of her mouth. When we land again I try to find out where we’ve ended up.

I cling to Yuu as we fly through the air, hoping we land somewhere safer this time. We land somewhat softly, but when I look around I can only see a small break of light above us, and some weird kind of walls around us. “That was so close!” I say as I try to calm myself down, “Where are we now, some sort of bag?”

I manage to finally finish my ice cream, a little annoyed because I think I coughed up the tasty little thing…once I’m done, I think I should probably get some exercise done to finish up my day, so I pick up my gym bag and head out of the café.

“Well when I look up it looks like it, seems like we have to stay in here until she takes us….and whatever we are on this time, out of here.” I say while looking up to the light, when she moves again the whole world around us begin to shake again and I fall into something soft and am covered with it from all sides. ‘Damn..what am I in now?!?’

I’m shaken quite badly as everything moves around us, but I stay on top of the pile for the most part. I see Yuu fall though, so I look around to roughly where she fell and try to go in after her. “Hang on, I’ll try and get you out of there!” I yell down to her as I start moving through the gaps in the soft material around me.

After a few minutes of walking, I make it to the gym. It seems a little busy tonight, but I’m sure I’ll be able to get some good stretches done today. I set my gym bag down and start undressing so that I can get ready.

“Don’t get over here you’ll just fall in too!” I yell at her knowing that it’s probably already too late for that. After a while, when I try to get out everything shakes like an earthquake, cause the girl seem to let the bag down. ‘Looks like we’ve arrived somewhere…’ I just think and try to see the opening of the bag.

“Sorry, I didn’t catch that. What did you sa-” I try saying before I’m cut off and fall all the way down the tunnel after the entire ground seems to shake violently. It’s a lot darker down here, I can barely see anything at all, but I think I can make out Yuu so I head over to her as things seem to move from above.

Once I’ve finished undressing, I pull open my gym bag and fish out my clothes to put on, starting with my panties. I stretch them out a little, and then start to pull them up my legs.

After a moment Aoko is right beside me. “Like..I…said….” I just say when I look at her and suddenly the bag opens and I see the girl, of at least a bit of her…and even more when she takes the item of clothing out that we are in, first she opens it and I can see right up her body before she moves one leg after another past each side of us and pulls us up after it. While she does this I just move as much to the front part as possibile, so I don’t get stuck to her ass, even if her pussy isn’t really much better.

“Wait for me!!” I yell as I scramble up the front side of the panties as well. It’s far too steep to actually get out, and I just close my eyes tight and brace for the uncomfortable impact with this woman’s body…

I put my panties on, pulling them up tight. Usually I don’t need them, but since I’m doing stretches, my clothes need to be as flexible as I will be. I follow up with some tight sports pants and small top, as well as some gym socks and shoes before I head out to the exercise mats.

A moment later we are pressed against her pussy, and that is really tight so we can barely move. “Oh god…just try to stay out of it, don’t get into her pussy…” I say to Aoko while I look in her direction. When the girl puts her sports pants on it gets even tighter in here and unfortunatelly I get moved to the center a bit more. Then she moves after this and pushes us from one direction to the other which doesn’t makes the slightest bit better. Soon one of my arms touches her lips… ‘Oh my god…this feels so wrong!’ I think and try to move it away.

I’m pressed so tightly against the pussy that I can’t really move at all, I’m just held in place as I see Yuu in her horrible position. “I don’t have much choice either way!” I say back to her, “I guess we can only hope that we don’t end up moving around too much!”

Once I’ve walked up to the mats, I start to do some warm up stretches that don’t involve too much movement. I build up with progressively wider stretches for my arms and legs, and after a minute or so I’m reaching by limit by trying to pull off a full split.

Her movement only makes it worse and I try to push away from her pussy but slip and just get sucked in even more. ‘God no, wrong direction!’ I think and look over to Aoko. “Just…don’t move okay, it will only be worse if both of us get sucked in here!” I say and try not to move this time…but well..she does and I move into her even more.

“Don’t be stupid Yuu, I’ll get you out of there!” I say, terrified as she gets sucked further in. I’m pushed around a fair bit by all the movement, but my lower body is still pinned down for now so I reach my arms out and try to grab Yuu so that I can pull her out of…there.

For a moment, I thought I felt something odd between my legs while I was stretching. But the feeling passes when I stand back up, so I ignore it and head over to a treadmill so that I can finish my workout with some running. I jump on and turn the machine up, slowly increasing my speed from a light jog to a proper run.

“Are you stupid!? Do you want to get stuck too!!!?” I scream and try to push her back with my free hand which makes me getting sucked in even more. Things get even worse when the girl jumps onto the treadmill, I randomly grap for something, which is Aokos arm, and get pushed fully inside the pussy. It’s completely black in here, and so slimy and sticky….

I feel Yuu grab on tight to my arm as our world is shifted once again. I stare in horror as she gets pushed all the way into the pussy, with my body being dragged along as well. I scream as I fall into the pussy, pulled inside as I’m still being held by Yuu. I dive head first into the dark and slimy prison, yelling and turning about in the hope of finding a way out. “Yuu?!? What do we do now?!” I shout into the darkness, no idea if I’m next to her or not.

I’m deeply into my run by this point, completely determined to work up a sweat as I move faster and faster. After a few minutes, I’ve finally tired myself out and I get off the treadmill. I’m quite sweaty, so I go back to my gym bag, pick up a towel, and head to the showers to wash myself off.

“What shall we do!? We move out as soon as possible!” I yell at her and try to push the flesh that’s pressing onto me away as good as possible. Suddenly I can feel the girl walking again. “We might be able to get out soon..” I say and try to push myself through the pussy flesh.

“A-alright then!” I yell back as I move next to her and also try to push against where I came in from. It’s wet to the touch and not too pleasant, but it’s so dark in here that I’m just focused on getting out of here over everything else.

I get to the shower and undress completely outside of it as quick as I can. Once I’m ready, I step inside with some shower gel and a sponge, and turn on the shower head to let the water cover me completely.

From one moment to another the movement of that giant body stops and a loud sound begins. ‘Sounds like a waterfall…’ I think while moving, I slip sometimes cause it’s too wet in here but after a while I can see some light. “Looks like we’ll be free soon.” I just say while trying to look past Aoko.

I fumble around a little as I see the start of an opening as well, relieved to see some light. I can see some water fall down in front of us, which looks both interesting and worrying. ‘I wonder what’s going on…’ I think as I try to find a way to slowly move forward.

I start my shower by washing my hair, working the shower gel in as the water starts to coat me a little more, working into areas like between my toes and the opening of my pussy a little. I then get started on washing my body properly by applying some of the shower gel to my sponge and scrubbing my body with it, starting with rubbing my pussy lips, since I felt something odd down there earlier.

I try to move a bit more but then I slip and push Aoko out of the pussy, followed by myself. At least our fall isn’t so long and we find ourselves on something soft. “What…where..are we?” I ask and look around, I can just see the giant pussy above us and the thing we’re on moving to it. “Hold onto something!” I yell as I see that the ground we are on starts to move over her pussy again. Not wanting to move back on it I try to hold as good as I can onto whatever I’m on now.

I’m too scared to speak as I hear Yuu yelling, so I hold on tight to what we’ve landed on. It’s soft, but coated in something quite slimy so I just try ignore that and pull myself close to it in the hope I don’t fall off.

A push the sponge against my pussy a little, quite enjoying how it feels on my body. I then proceed to wash off the rest of my body, moving the sponge between my butt cheeks and breasts thoroughly, and finish up by doing my feet, washing in between my toes.

After we were moved away from her pussy again I begin to realize that we are on her sponge and she moves us over her butt and breasts and so, we get a quite good look all over her body in the next few minutes, and I Scream for her a few times but the water is simply too loud.

I’m barely holding on as we’re pushed against all the parts of her body, screaming for Yuu but I just get bubbles and water in my mouth which I have to keep spitting out in the deafening water falling down.

I pull the sponge around each of my toes, getting it as close as possible as I rub it against the soles of my feet. After I’ve finished washing up, I run the sponge under the shower head to clean off anything that has stuck to it.

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