Chapter 13: Revenge

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As I walk with Reiko I think about the meaning of life and such. These last few days have ruined my life…

While walking, I look over to A-chan. “Hm? You look kinda…sad….is something wrong?”

“Huh? Oh nothing….just thinking about things, don’t worry about it.” I smile to try and reassure her that I’m fine.

“Hope so” I say and walk more until we arrive at Rena’s house. “So, here we are, have fun.” I say and move her towards it cause it would be odd if I opened the door.

“Ok..” I open the door and walk inside, looking around.

“okaaay just have to find her now.” I say and walk around a bit too.

“Hello?…mom?” I hesitantly say while walking around.

“Hmm, odd I can see a car infront of the house, she should be here somewhere…”

“Yeah, but I don’t see her.”

“Hmm, maybe she’s in the bathroom or something, lets search for her.”

“Ok…” I knock on the door “Mom? Are you in here?”

Rena’s Mother
I hear my daugther coming home and get out of the bath. But before I can reach her I feel odd and from one moment to another the whole room becomes gigantic. I’m totally shocked and don’t hear someone come into the bathroom and knock on the door. It’s suddenly a long way to the door even though a moment before I was standing right in front of it. While I look up at the door with my, maybe 1 or 2cm height, I notice the door is a bit open so the knocking moved it a bit.

I look inside and see a tiny girl on the floor, so I bend over to look closer. “Who might you be?”

Rena’s Mother
“Renaaa!! I’ts me, your mother!” I yell at her, looking up at my daughters giant body. “You have to help me, I shrunk!!”

“Oh so it’s you, mom…” ‘This is my chance…I could crush her right here…’ I think.

Rena’s Mother
“Help me!!” I yell at her and jump up and down while I wave my arms. “C’mon, do something!”

“Ok mommy I’ll do something.” I raise my heeled boot up so it hovers over her.

Rena’s Mother
“Ahhh…what are you doing?!!!!?” I scream and try to run.

I look over to A-chan when I hear her talking to someone. ‘It seems like she found Rena’s mother…hm, she shrunk too? Interesting…’ I think.

I slam my foot down hard on the shrunken woman when she tries to flee.

Rena’s Mother
As my daughter slams down her foot I’m buried under it, and slowly feel how my bones crack until everything turns black…

“Well..didn’t think it would be so easy for you. Just hope you don’t do that to me someday…” I say.

“Don’t give me a reason too…” I scrape her body off by dragging my boot on the ground, then walk outside.

“Okaay…well…cause you basically live here….wanna take something with ya? Some clothes? Or anything else?” I ask.

“I guess…I’m not in the mood though…” I coldly brush her off and walk down the street.

I follow her and look at her when we’re on the street again. “hmm…are you sad or something?” I ask, even though it’s obvious that she isn’t realy happy.

I ignore her and keep going…lost in thought.

“Hey” I say and walk infront of her, moving one of my hands to her shoulder. “Please don’t ignore me, and tell me whats wrong.”

I push her away. ” I need time to think…” I turn and walk off.

“…..” I’m kinda lost for words and walk in the opposite direction. ‘Hmm it definitly was wrong to let her do this..damn’ I think while I walk.

I wander, not really paying attention to where I’m heading.

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